RIDGISTORMAccess Manholes

Whether your project calls for stormwater, foul water or combined sewer systems,we can purpose-build high density polyethylene (HDPE) pre-fabricated manholes, providing easy access into a pipeline. They can be integrated into our Ridgidrain and Ridgistorm-XL pipework systems or engineered to connect to other materials.


They are manufactured in a factory controlled environment resulting in a high quality water-tight structured walled manhole, that eliminates wastage associated with in-situ construction. Delivered to site as a one-piece modular solution, RIDGISTORMAccess Manholes reduce installation time and cost on-site, as well minimising Health and Safety risks.


Safety Accessories & Lifting Points


RIDGISTORMAccess Manholes can be engineered for use in stormwater, foul and combined sewer applications to provide access to a pipework system for inspection and maintenance. Manholes can be pre-fabricated with an off-set step landing, reducing the need for direct access into the pipe enhancing Health and Safety. This can be improved further with the optional addition of pre-fabricated safety chain attachment points, guardrail assemblies and toe holds.


Additionally, we can also provide a range of Ridgistorm-XL Chamber Lifting Points, which have been designed specifically to aid in the safe handling of Ridgistorm-XL chambers when loading, off-loading and installing the products on-site.







Features & Benefits


  • Provide easy access for maintenance
  • WRc approved
  • Manufactured to adoptable standards
  • Full range of accessories available including safety chain attachment points and Guardrail Assemblies
  • Multiple inlet and outlet options, supplied with integral sockets as standard allowing quick and seamless connection to pipeline
  • Depths can be tailored to suit project requirements
  • Integral benching
  • Step rungs to BS EN 13101 and ladders to BS EN 14376
  • Optional riser section
  • Riser location ring
  • Integral lifting points available on request to improve Health and Safety during handling and installation

Literature & Technical info

