Merchants can benefit from the most significant change to below ground drainage product regulations in recent years, with all water companies agreeing to a standardised approach to the construction of foul and surface water drainage systems.
Polypipe Building Products is advising our merchant partners that the new arrangements for the adoption of sewers means that merchants can supply a greater range of solutions for sewerage systems, including light-in-weight plastic-based systems.
This will have particular impact in regions including the South East, where legacy materials such as concrete and clay have been traditionally used for adoptable applications.
The new Sewers Code for Adoption guidance includes a standardised set of delivery procedures and, crucially, a Design and Construction Guidance document that replaces the existing Sewers for Adoption manual. This represents a significant change to practice which will affect the adoption of sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) and below ground drainage systems.
Polypipe has a product portfolio of below ground drainage pipes for commercial and residential projects. The pipes are available in diameters from 110mm up to 3,000mm and make installation faster due to the flexibility, strength and easy handling properties.
Our Below Ground Product Manager Richard Eddy states:
“Former regulations allowed water companies to vary requirement, but the updated guidance ensures that all products are evaluated by the same standards across England. This means that there are now regions in England where housebuilders can now choose from a greater range of products and systems when specifying below ground drainage on new housing estates.
“With the widest range of plastic sewer pipes, fittings and chambers for below ground drainage available in the UK, with BBA approval and holding BSI Kitemarks, Polypipe is best placed to offer merchants advice on how the new standardised regulations will increase the ranges of systems they can supply to groundworkers, house builders and contractors, with our below ground drainage technical experts available to offer advice.”