Find out more about Mick Hirst, Shift Foreperson and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Ambassador at Polypipe Building Products.
What is your position at Polypipe and how long have you been there?
I started at Polypipe 1st April 1987. I’m a shift foreperson in the moulding shop but double up as STEM ambassador visiting schools and colleges to encourage the take up of these subjects. I also visit schools and careers events to explain to students what we do at Polypipe, how we do it and what we do it with
What does a typical day at Polypipe look like for you?
There isn’t a typical day for me at Polypipe, every day is different
What are three words you associate with Polypipe?
Forward-looking, busy, friendly.
What is the best part of working for Polypipe?
The people; I have met some terrific characters here.
What is your proudest moment at Polypipe?
Representing the company externally at places as diverse as China, Hastings and Cambridge University.
What keeps you busy at the weekends?
I am a keen gardener so weekends are allotment time, whilst keeping an eye on the Sheffield United score.
Where is your favourite place to go on holiday?
A cruise ship, Iceland or the next place I visit...
Tell us something about yourself that would surprise us?
In my younger days I was a keen potholer and played schools rugby for South Yorkshire.
I am also a big fan of 'Father Ted'. The picture below is Father Ted's house in Ireland which I visited for a tour of filming locations from the show.