Surface Water Drainage Systems

We offer the UK's most extensive range of surface water drainage systems suitable for highways, rail, airport, ports, harbours, commercial and public sector projects.

Our extensive range of surface water drainage systems include Ridgidrain and Ridgistorm-XL thermoplastic structured walled piping systems, which range from 100 - 3000mm in diameter, have a design life in excess of 60 and 100 years respectively. They are complemented by a complete range of gullies, land drainage solutions, filter drains, flow control devices and access and inspection chambers.


In addition, our surface water drainage systems separate everything from silt and debris through to heavy metal pollutants improving the quality of water entering the watercourse.


Polypipe surface water drainage solutions can accommodate any surface area and scale of construction. They meet all relevant regulations, standards and legislation, and come with WRc, BBA and PADS approval where possible.

The benefits of Polypipe's Surface Water Drainage Systems include:

  • Manufactured in durable HDPE
  • A range of adaptors available
  • Light in weight with superior strength
  • Designed to optimum stiffness classification
  • Excellent load bearing capability
  • Superior performance in areas of differential settlement
  • Excellent resistance to sulphate and chemical attack
  • Superior hydraulic performance achieved through smooth bore
  • 100% recyclable

For more information head over to our Technical Hub where you can download our latest datasheets, standard details, certifications and specification clauses for Polypipe Surface Water Drainage Systems. You can also contact our Technical Team for a rapid response to all enquiries.

Ridgitreat Treatment Pipes
Ridgitreat surface water treatment pipes are designed to complement the Ridgidrain range, providing enhanced stormwater treatment when incorporated into SuDS applications.
Ridgitreat Pipe

Ridgitreat Pipe

Ridgitreat surface water treatment pipes are designed to complement the existing Ridgidrain range when using a treatment infiltration solution, and enhance water quality when used as part of a source co ...

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