The Benefits of Plastics
Why use plastic above ground plumbing? Plastic plumbing components offer a wide range of advantages compared to traditional m
The Permavoid system includes a range of Spigot and Saddle Connectors, allowing piped connection to the Permavoid structure.
Preformed Spigot Connector with Weldable Membrane
When forming a Permavoid attenuation or storage structure, it is necessary to use the preformed Spigot Connector with weldable membrane in association with the Permavoid geomembrane. A welded joint can be made to ensure that the tank is leak free.
Universal Permachannel Connector
The Permachannel Connector is installed where adjacent Permachannel units butt against each other to form a 40mm diameter outlet. The connector fits into the outlet from the Permachannel and allows water to be conveyed from the Permachannel into the Permavoid system. One connection unit is required per linear metre of Permachannel. If required, outlet connections can be extended using 40mm HDPE pipework.
Saddle Connector for Infiltration Applications
For infiltration applications, proprietary Saddle Connections can be used within Permavoid storage structures to infiltrate captured water.