Port and Harbour Drainage

Drainage for Ports and Harbours
With their large loadings and big impermeable expanses, ports and harbours pose very specialised water management and drainage challenges.


Our Ridgidrain and Ridgistorm-XL thermoplastic, structured walled, surface water drainage pipes, from 100-3000mm diameter, are increasingly preferred because they combine high quality and outstanding performance with lighter weight for ease of installation. They are robust, reliable and long lasting with a design life in excess of 60 and 100 years respectively.


Ridgistorm-XL is one of the most adaptable large diameter pipe systems in the UK. By analysing site conditions and installation parameters, the system can be engineered to exact stiffness classifications so that it meets the required loading specification for a project without being over or under specified.


Approved for Assured Performance
The strength of our engineered, thermoplastic systems makes them perfect for the areas of differential settlement that are so common in ports and harbours. With all products BBA or WRc approved, performance is assured.


Saving Transport and Fuel Costs
When working on the vast scale of many port and harbour projects, it is important to know that thermoplastics typically weigh 94% less than their concrete equivalent, speeding up installation times, reducing energy use and therefore greenhouse gas emissions.


In fact 1km of 450mm thermoplastic drainage pipes from Polypipe can require only three deliveries, whereas concrete equivalents would need twelve.

